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Sunday School



Sunday School is a time where we come together as brothers and sisters and study God's word taught from great teachers from spiritually inspired literature. It is a time of intimacy with God where prayer requests and praises are shared, and discussion takes place about a particular topic from the Bible. We offer a variety of classes for all age groups. Please join us and find a class where you will be sure to grow deeper in your walk with the Lord!  





The following classes meet each Sunday @ 9AM.



Crib Nursery

Various Workers

Toddlers-1st Grade

Elaine Ward

Grades 2 & 3

Sara Haslup

Grades 4 & 5

Mary Tatum

Grades 6-8 (Middle School)

Carson LeCroy

Grades 9-12 (High School)

Carson LeCroy

Young Adult Joey & Gena Hawkins

Adult 1 & 5

Kevin Evans & Dan Staley (Asst. class members)

Adult 2

George Bolen (Ralph Hefner Asst.)

Adult 3

John Reeves (Ken Williams Asst.)

Adult 4

Stephanie Dover (Brett & Stacey Turner Asst.)


Greg Thrift

Senior Ladies' Bible Class

Karen Lee

New Members

Brett Turner & Joey Hawkins